“The Last: Naruto the Movie” is a Japanese animated film that serves as the tenth overall installment in the Naruto franchise. Released in 2014, it is set after the events of the original Naruto series and before the Naruto Shippuden series. The movie was directed by Tsuneo Kobayashi and written by Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto.
The story takes place two years after the Fourth Great Ninja War, during a time when the moon is beginning to descend toward the Earth, posing a threat to humanity. The plot revolves around Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist of the series, who has grown into a young adult and has become the Seventh Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village.
The movie primarily focuses on Naruto’s relationship with Hinata Hyuga, a fellow ninja from his village who has long held feelings for him. When Hinata’s younger sister, Hanabi, is kidnapped by Toneri Otsutsuki, a rogue member of the Otsutsuki clan, Naruto, along with his friends, embarks on a mission to rescue her and prevent the moon’s collision with the Earth.
As Naruto and his companions journey through various challenges, they encounter Toneri’s forces and uncover the dark secrets surrounding his plans. Along the way, Naruto and Hinata’s bond deepens, as they face their own personal doubts, confront their emotions, and learn the true strength of their feelings for each other.
“The Last: Naruto the Movie” combines action, romance, and the exploration of the characters’ emotions. It delves into the themes of love, friendship, and sacrifice, while also providing closure to the Naruto storyline before the start of Naruto Shippuden.
The movie is visually stunning, featuring dynamic fight scenes, beautifully animated landscapes, and a captivating soundtrack that enhances the emotional impact of the story. It offers fans of the series a satisfying conclusion to Naruto’s journey as a character and his growth into a mature leader.
Overall, “The Last: Naruto the Movie” presents an engaging and heartfelt narrative that combines elements of action and romance. It serves as a bridge between the original Naruto series and its sequel, Naruto Shippuden, while providing an emotional climax to Naruto and Hinata’s relationship.
Character | Voice Actor |
Naruto Uzumaki | Junko Takeuchi |
Sasuke Uchiha | Noriaki Sugiyama |
Sakura Haruno | Chie Nakamura |
Kakashi Hatake | Kazuhiko Inoue |
Jiraiya | Hōchū Ōtsuka |
Tsunade | Masako Katsuki |
Itachi Uchiha | Hideo Ishikawa |
Gaara | Akira Ishida |
Orochimaru | Kujira |
Shikamaru Nara | Shotaro Morikubo |
Hinata Hyuga | Nana Mizuki |
Rock Lee | Yoichi Masukawa |
Neji Hyuga | Koichi Tochika |
Shikamaru Nara | Shotaro Morikubo |
Temari | Romi Park |
Kiba Inuzuka | Kosuke Toriumi |
Ino Yamanaka | Ryoka Yuzuki |
Might Guy | Masashi Ebara |
Minato Namikaze | Toshiyuki Morikawa |
Kushina Uzumaki | Emi Shinohara |
Obito Uchiha | Wataru Takagi |
Madara Uchiha | Naoya Uchida |